How to Access resources:
READ 180 and System 44
Username: student lunch number
Password: read180
Lexia Core 5
Use your teacher's email address to log in or use
Your username is your 6 digit student ID (lunch number)
Your password is your date of birth (example: 10112005)
AR Book Finder
Find books for AR reading and points at AR Book Finder
BrainPop and BrainPopJr
username: wildomarca
password: school
Imagine Learning:
Students will need either access to an iPad or Computer from home.
Imagine Learning on an IPAD:
For iPad usage, download the Imagine Learning app. When the app is opened, enter in this site code: 0600027
username: 6 digit student ID (lunch number)
password: date of birth (example: 10112005)